Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Very Perry Invitation
Perry. Synonymous with "good idea" to some, to others it symbolizes what is great with civilization and all that helped the world come to order. Very rarely do these things come together in such a neat and tidy package as with The Great Animal Brawl. Probably the biggest and most important tournament to ever not take place, The Great Animal Brawl is a project that is incomplete. Its a project in creative writing and animal relationships. Click on this Great Animal Brawl link to find out more about the Brawl and how to contribute to history's greatest ever tournament. And don't forget read the brawls that have already been completed, including the pivotal match between the Human and the Thompson's Gazelle.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Perry Onion vs. the Canine of Perry Onion

The Pink Frisbeeee stakes are High! The Croquet Game hangs in theee Balance!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The bööst is yööt to cöm

Welcome to the ööfööcial wööb sööt of Perry Nation. This is just a small söömple of what is to come from the nation's Perriest clan.